BAXI Manresa pays for the mistake but competes until the end on the Bilbao court
Those from Bages, despite going below the score for most of the game, remained close to the rival and had an attack to tie or take the victory.
80 Surne Bilbao Basket I Radicevic 7, Smith 28, Rabaseda 4, Sulejmanovic 8 and Tsalmpouris 4; Andersson 2, Reyes 4, Barandalla 2, Ubal 10, Kyser 9 and Rosa 2
76 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 4, Harding 21, Badio 10, Vaulet 2 and Geben 10; Robinson 17, Waczynski 7, Jou, Dani Garcia, Steinbergs, Ferrari 2 and Olumuyiwa 3
Partials: 24-14, 12-19, 25-22, 19-21
BAXI Manresa once again showed a competitive version on the complicated Surne Bilbao Basket court, but it was not enough to take another victory (80-76). Those from Bages were trailing their rival for a large part of the duel, but they did not let him open the gap, and in the last seconds they had a possession to tie or win the game, which did not end successfully. An unusual 2 of 16 in three-pointers condemns the Bages team to defeat.
The Basques took to the court with greater intensity and, led by a very successful Smith, they immediately took a difference of nine points (15-6). For their part, the Reds were completely off the mark on the three-pointer, which prevented them from closing the gap at the end of the first quarter (24-14).
In the second the visitors clearly improved in defense, which increased local errors. However, in attack they continued to have difficulties, and all this made the game very tight. Immediately afterwards, Harding appeared to lead a team from Manresa who came within just three points of the break (36-33).
In the second half, those from Bages, with a very fighting Waczynski, managed to turn the score around and achieve a four-point margin (46-50). But Bilbao, with a Smith who was still in tune, reacted aggressively defensively and scored seven points in a row to get back in front and close the third quarter with six points of rent (61-55).
In the last ten minutes, the reds once again showed their competitive spirit and did not let the Basques leave in the electronics. Therefore, everything had to be decided at the last minute, when the decisive play of the match took place. At 78-76, the visitors had an attack to force overtime or take the victory, but Sulejmanovic avoided it with a steal and two free throws made that sealed the victory for his team.
On Wednesday, starting at 7:30 p.m., BAXI Manresa will visit one of the most difficult courts in the Endesa League, that of a Unicaja who is in top form.