Com to Nou Congost to live in first person a game of your team, BAXI Manresa
Choose what you need
We have available single tickets, or season tickets that last during all the season

Season tickets
Enjoy the whole season at Nou Congost, choose the zone that fits better your needs.
Season tickets

One game Tickets
Those are the following games at home. Come and see live the Liga Endesa!

2024-2025 Season
Ticket prices for next season, Endesa League and Basketball Champions League. This season we will have the same plastic cards.
Season Tickets
Those are the prices of the season tickets:
Grada d'Animació
Buy- Basefrom 4 to 15 years old120.00€
- Youngfrom 16 to 23 years old150.00€
- Senior+ de 23 years250.00€
Comprar- Basede 4 a 15110.00€
- Jovede 16 a 23140.00€
- Sénior+ de 23250.00€
General Preferent
Comprar- Basede 4 a 15180.00€
- Jovede 16 a 23220.00€
- Sènior+ de 23350.00€
Comprar- Basede 4 a 15210.00€
- Jovede 16 a 23245.00€
- Sènior+ de 23375.00€
- Veterà+ de 65325.00€
Tribuna Preferent
Comprar- Basede 4 a 15270.00€
- Jovede 16 a 23335.00€
- Sènior+ de 24495.00€
Tribuna Pref. Central
Comprar- Basede 4 a 15380.00€
- Jovede 16 a 23440.00€
- Sènior+ de 24550.00€
Comprar- Sense localitatfrom 0 to 3 years old20.00€

Advantages of the season ticket
You will have preference and discounts for the purchase of tickets in matches established by the club, up to 2 complimentary tickets for certain matches subject to availability (1 ACB+1 BCL), and discounts at the club store.