A BAXI Manresa bregador cannot stop the good moment of Unicaja
Despite the good first half, the reaction of the co-leader leaves the Bages team without the victory.
77 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 4, Travanté 13, Vaulet 2, Robinson 11 and Oriola; Badio 15, Dani García 8, Taylor 5, Steinbergs 2, Sagnia 3, Mawugbe and Geben 14
88 Unicaja I Perry 15, Kalinoski 6, Taylor 18, Ejim 9 and Kravish 11; Barreiro, Díaz 3, Carter 17, Djedovic, Lima, Thomas 5 and Sima 4
Partials: 20-8, 21-23, 15-24, 19-31
BAXI Manresa could not continue with the good dynamics of results after losing in the Nou Congost against the co-leader, Unicaja (77-88). Those from Bages dominated in the first half, but in the second half Ibon Navarro's men reacted and reached the final stretch with the victory thanks to a great success in shooting.
After a few first minutes with a level game, the reds took control on the scoreboard and nailed a resounding run of 14-2 against some Malaga team who were very poor in their shooting. At the end of the opening quarter, the locals achieved a maximum difference of twelve points (20-8).
In the second, Pedro Martínez's men continued to play at a high level, making the Nou Congost fans enjoy themselves, and were twenty points ahead (38-18). Subsequently, Ibon Navarro's players began to find success and, led by Perry, closed the gap at halftime (41-31).
In the second half, the team from Manresa were imprecise, while the visitors showed their potential and, with a run of 0-17, they turned the score around and were seven points ahead (46-53). However, Bages reacted and closed the third quarter ahead (56-55).
In the last ten minutes the Reds could not keep up with the pace of the Málaga team who were especially successful in their shooting and reached the final possessions with no chance of winning.
On Saturday starting at 6:00 p.m. BAXI Manresa will visit the Multiusos Fontes do Sar to face Monbus Obradoiro.