Motor Munich Cadí Manresa cannot topple Mollet
The team led by Pau del Tio is eighth in group C-B of Tercera FEB
98 DM Group Mollet I Belver 15, Marin 3, Soto 15, Valle 11 and McDonald 16; Real 4, Marzo 13, Viñalonga 18, Auro and Vilchez 3
92 Motor Munich Cadí Manresa I Gaspà 20, Guitart 3, Torreblanca 6, Pumarola 11 and Hustak 22; Rosell, Jekabsons 5, Saló, Naspler 14, Sánchez 11 and Sanahuja
Partials: 27-23, 24-20, 25-15, 22-34
Motor Munich Cadí Manresa fell on the difficult DM Group Mollet court (98-92). With this result, the team led by Pau del Tio is in eighth position in the classification of group C-B of the Third FEB with a record of three wins and four losses.
On Saturday from 18:30 Motor Munich Cadí Manresa will receive Cuarte de Huerva from Aragon at the Nou Congost, who are tenth with the same record as those from Bages.