Motor Munich Cadí Manresa cannot topple Mollet
Motor Munich Cadí Manresa cannot topple Mollet
Motor Munich Cadí Manresa cannot topple Mollet

Motor Munich Cadí Manresa cannot topple Mollet

The team led by Pau del Tio is eighth in group C-B of Tercera FEB

Monday 25 of November of 2024 at 10:52

98 DM Group Mollet I Belver 15, Marin 3, Soto 15, Valle 11 and McDonald 16; Real 4, Marzo 13, Viñalonga 18, Auro and Vilchez 3

92 Motor Munich Cadí Manresa I Gaspà 20, Guitart 3, Torreblanca 6, Pumarola 11 and Hustak 22; Rosell, Jekabsons 5, Saló, Naspler 14, Sánchez 11 and Sanahuja

Partials: 27-23, 24-20, 25-15, 22-34

Motor Munich Cadí Manresa fell on the difficult DM Group Mollet court (98-92). With this result, the team led by Pau del Tio is in eighth position in the classification of group C-B of the Third FEB with a record of three wins and four losses.

On Saturday from 18:30 Motor Munich Cadí Manresa will receive Cuarte de Huerva from Aragon at the Nou Congost, who are tenth with the same record as those from Bages.

Match statistics