BAXI Manresa B is a new EBA league team
BAXI Manresa B is a new EBA league team
BAXI Manresa B is a new EBA league team

BAXI Manresa B is a new EBA league team

Carlos Flores' players took the final four of the Super Cup at Nou Congost after overcoming Lloret and Esparreguera

Monday 27 of May of 2024 at 10:18

69 BAXI Manresa B I Alocén 5, Gaspà 15, Ater 10, Pumarola 6 and Coulibaly 1; Llompart 7, López 3, Corbera 10, Guitart, Gutiérrez, Torreblanca 10 and Diarra 2

59 CBU Lloret Samba Hotels I Jerez 20, Romero 3, Martorell 5, Garcia 3 and Amer 10; Olaniyan 2, Llorente 5, González 2, Kaira 3, Pomés and Schotter 6

Partials: 11-16, 15-12, 20-18, 23-13

BAXI Manresa B achieved the goal of promoting to the EBA League after beating CBU Lloret Samba Hotels in the semifinal of the final four of the Super Cup, which was played at the Nou Congost (69-59). In the first three quarters there were several alternatives on the scoreboard, but in the last ten minutes Bages' team showed themselves superior and obtained promotion and a ticket to the final. Ferran Torreblanca, with 10 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 19 rating credits, was the most outstanding of the Manresans.

Match statistics

Clear victory against Esparreguera in the final

60 Tenea - CB Esparreguera I Campaña 4, Roig 13, Barquets 13, Raventós and Dias 8; Joya, Sellarès 2, Cornet, Almirall 2, González, Rosàs 11 and Roy 7

98 BAXI Manresa B I Alocén 14, Gaspà 11, Ater 10, Pumarola 3 and Coulibaly 11; Llompart 16, López 5, Corbera 10, Guitart, Naspler 3, Torreblanca 6 and Diarra 9

Partials: 13-27, 16-19, 19-23, 12-29

BAXI Manresa B did not give Tenea – CB Esparreguera any chance in a final of the competition that they dominated from the beginning and in which they won by 43 points. In this way, Carlos Flores' players are proclaimed champions of the final four and achieve second place in the Super Cup only behind JAC Sants, the champion of the regular league. Miquel Llompart, with 16 points, 3 rebounds, 5 assists and 22 rating credits, was the most valued of those from Bages.

Match statistics