BAXI Manresa 2021-2022 has already been launched
BAXI Manresa 2021-2022 has already been launched
BAXI Manresa 2021-2022 has already been launched

BAXI Manresa 2021-2022 has already been launched

The new faces of the team have been seen for the first time in Manresa, in the presentation of the team at the headquarters of Mútua Intercomarcal.

Monday 9 of August of 2021 at 17:29

Our team has already started working. BAXI Manresa made this Monday the first group session in the Nou Congost, and also the first public appearance. A press conference was held at the headquarters of Mútua Intercomarcal, a collaborator of the club for 3 decades. Enric Torres, President of Mútua Intercomarcal, Josep Sáez, President of Bàsquet Manresa, and BAXI Manresa coach Pedro Martínez took part in a relaxed event full of good wishes for the team.

In one of his first appearances as President of Mútua Intercomarcal, Enric Torres welcomed players and coaches, and highlighted the "normality" with which the team is presented each year, despite «the lot of efforts and sacrifices that have been made in the last 90 years for a basketball team in our city».

For his part, the President of Bàsquet Manresa, Josep Sáez, thanked the people of Mútua Intercomarcal and supported the staff. Sáez wanted to emphasize that "time passes, but what does not change is how we feel about Bàsquet Manresa: something from our home, which makes us work and gives us the enthusiasm to compete in the highest category".

Finally, Pedro Martínez, coach of BAXI Manresa, spoke about the team that was formed this summer, and predicted that «we are starting a season that will surely have difficult moments, but we are confident that we have done a good team; we need the push of our public, which is fundamental for us”.

The event ended with the already classic first team photo and the first interviews granted to the media who came to the headquarters of Mútua Intercomarcal to follow the event.