BAXI Manresa launches the 2020-21 subscriber campaign
BAXI Manresa launches the 2020-21 subscriber campaign
BAXI Manresa launches the 2020-21 subscriber campaign

BAXI Manresa launches the 2020-21 subscriber campaign

"You'll never be so excited to come home." This is the slogan chosen by the club, which will reduce renewals by 5% and give away 5 tickets to favor 2019-20 subscribers.

Friday 19 of June of 2020 at 18:01

BAXI Manresa has presented the new subscriber campaign for the 2020-21 season at the Nou Congost and live on Instagram live. Under the motto "You will never be so excited" to return home, and with a motivating video where the protagonists are some of its subscribers, the club has explained in the words of President Josep Sáez and Manager Carles Sixto the advantages they will have those who renew before July 15th.

Prices are frozen compared to last season, and in the first phase, which begins this Monday, June 22, and until July 15, those who renew will have a 5% discount and 5 extra tickets to spend for one or two seasons.