BAXI Manresa is overcome in the last minutes by Joventut
BAXI Manresa is overcome in the last minutes by Joventut
BAXI Manresa is overcome in the last minutes by Joventut

BAXI Manresa is overcome in the last minutes by Joventut

Competitive game in the Catalan League, in Tarragona, where the Manresa team fell by 89-96 despite giving good feelings, especially in the first half.

Tuesday 20 of September of 2022 at 21:08

89 BAXI Manresa I Dani Pérez 5, Badio 6, Vaulet 7, Tyson Pérez 13 and Hamilton 10; Bortolani 15, Harding 24, Dani Garcia 5, Steinbergs 1, Sagnia 1, Valtonen 2 and Lee

96 Youth I Vives 5, Guy 18, Busquets 9, Ellenson 8 and Tomic 14; Ribas 16, Ventura 4, Feliz 7, Birgander 11 and Maronka 4

Partials: 17-17, 29-20, 23-33, 20-26

BAXI Manresa was unable to reach the final of the Catalan League by falling 89-96 in the first semi-final against Joventut de Badalona, ​​in Tarragona. Despite the result, the Bages team showed good feelings, especially in the first half.

Pedro Martínez's players got off to a better start than their opponent, with an initial score of 7-2. Subsequently, the Badalonians picked up more offensive rhythm and were able to tie at the end of the first quarter, as the last attack from the Manresa team did not find a basket (17-17).

In the second, the Reds scored seven consecutive points, and this caused Carles Duran to call a timeout. It didn't do much, as Jerrick Harding then appeared to lead his team and make the green-and-black manager have to spend another minute. At the break, a nine-point advantage for the Manresa team (46-37).

Returning from the changing rooms, the Bages team was able to maintain the difference until the last two minutes, when Joventut was at a great level and took the lead at the end of the third quarter (69-70). Therefore, everything had to be decided in the last ten minutes.

In these, the Badalonians took command of the electronic against some Manresa team who could not maintain the physical level displayed in the first half. However, they did not stop fighting and competing until the end, but they could not come back to achieve the victory.

BAXI Manresa's next match will be its debut in the Endesa League, on Thursday 29 September at 21:30 against Lenovo Tenerife, at the Nou Congost. It will be the re-edition of the 2021-2022 Basketball Champions League final, which ended with victory and the title for the Canaries.