Changes for the Nou Congost Season Ticket holders
Changes for the Nou Congost Season Ticket holders
Changes for the Nou Congost Season Ticket holders

Changes for the Nou Congost Season Ticket holders

In this season 2019-2020, there are several changes that may affect the subscribers of our pavilion. Read them!

Tuesday 24 of September of 2019 at 10:58

In the season that we just started, New Congosto fans have to pay attention to a series of changes that we mentioned below:

  1. -The location of the locations of General Preferential , of unnamed localities, may occupy the back part of the baskets, except for the quadrant located to the right of the tunnel of changing rooms.
  2. - Tickets and "Baby" tickets are required . From this season it will be necessary that every person who enters the game, who is old enough, will have to have an entry or a card. This includes boys and girls between 0 and 4 years of age, who will also need to have a "Baby" card, or an entry. The payment of 0 to 4 years is priced at € 20, and tickets from 0 to 4 years will cost only € 2.
  3. -Security cameras installed. In this way all areas of the pavilion will be able to control to control and punish people who have inappropriate behavior according to the rules of the club.

For any other questions, consult the Subscription and Entrance Regulations.