BAXI Manresa lost against Gran Canaria
BAXI Manresa lost against Gran Canaria
BAXI Manresa lost against Gran Canaria

BAXI Manresa lost against Gran Canaria

Manresans can not overtake the island set in a very even match resolved in the last minute

Sunday 6 of October of 2019 at 15:20

BAXI Manresa fell by the end of an infield against Gran Canaria (74-75) in a very disputed match. The Canaries took the initiative in the first half of the game, but without taking any significant differences. The inspiration of Jordan Davis in the third partial (16 points) woke up at the premises and allowed them to go ahead for the first time. The alternatives to the scoreboard were continued and short to the decisive moments. An entry resolved by Oriol Paulí in less than 17 seconds to finish turned out to be the decisive basket. Davis, with 28 points, was Pedro Martínez's most outstanding player.

The first period would begin by dominating an inspired Gran Canaria that forced Pedro Martínez a short time after 3 minutes and a half from the start. An inspired David Kravish held the locals scoring the first five baskets. Eulis Báez turned his first triple with the red t-shirt and countered the yellow coats. The visitors, in second plays, continued to score and finished the partial with an advantage of 4 points.

Juampi Vaulet started the second quarter scoring from the 6.75 line to cut distances. The accumulation of errors, coupled with the low fluidity of play in this period by both sets, resulted in a poor annotation. Both teams added 27 points and the difference, practically, did not vary. A triple from Dani Pérez in the final, added to an effective Manresa defensive zone neutralized a timid attempt by the visitors to escape. With a difference of 7 points favorable to the islands, it was at rest.

BAXI Manresa fell by the end of an infield against Gran Canaria (74-75) in a very disputed match. The Canaries took the initiative in the first half of the game, but without taking any significant differences. The inspiration of Jordan Davis in the third partial (16 points) woke up at the premises and allowed them to go ahead for the first time. The alternatives to the scoreboard were continued and short to the decisive moments. An entry resolved by Oriol Paulí in less than 17 seconds to finish turned out to be the decisive basket. Davis, with 28 points, was Pedro Martínez's most outstanding player.

The first period would begin by dominating an inspired Gran Canaria that forced Pedro Martínez a short time after 3 minutes and a half from the start. An inspired David Kravish held the locals scoring the first five baskets. Eulis Báez turned his first triple with the red t-shirt and countered the yellow coats. The visitors, in second plays, continued to score and finished the partial with an advantage of 4 points.

On the way out of the locker room, Jordan Davis's wrist began to warm up and chained 11 points to face his first match. Fotis Katsikaris was forced to request time to try to deactivate the base today. Despite the attempt by the Canarian coach to stop Davis, the American continued to add. Now he scored three and with a roulette penetration included. A ball retrieved from the same Davis finishing with a spit gave a 4-point cushion to the baccals. The good final minutes of Bourousis left the tie match and to decide in the last quarter.

The final 10 minutes began with exchange of baskets. Demonte Harper, the most valued player of the Canarian set, was eliminated and Sakho took advantage of it to score two free throws. The reaction of the Gran Canaria came from Oriol Paulí's hand. The Catalan scored 5 consecutive points and Pedro Martínez requested time to stop the game. BAXI Manresa resisted the beatings of the grog thanks to the success of the Davis, who was returning to intonation. With the equalized result it would get to the last match bars.

In the key moment, the figure of David Kravish, unpublished from the first quarter, was re-emerged, to bring the Catalans back to front with two baskets in succession. A tray of Paulí when they left 17 seconds to finish they put to the insular ones in front to the luminous one. Davis had the shot to leave the win at home, but the iron decided that today he played cross.