Manresa feasts to celebrate the return to the ACB
Manresa feasts to celebrate the return to the ACB
Manresa feasts to celebrate the return to the ACB

Manresa feasts to celebrate the return to the ACB

On Friday, June 15, ICL Manresa fans filled the Plaça Major to celebrate the return to the ACB with players and club technicians.

Monday 18 of June of 2018 at 11:45

On Friday, June 15, ICL Manresa fans filled the Plaça Major to celebrate the return to the ACB with the players and club technicians. They all made a triumphal entry into the square, highly acclaimed by the followers. Shortly after it was the turn of the parliaments on the balcony of the City Hall, and no one could escape directing a few words to those present. Then it was the institutional act in the town hall, and the party ended at dawn in the Terrasseta Villamartini.